Strata Compliance

Strata compliance is a legal requirement that all strata corporations in Victoria must meet. It refers to the bylaws and rules set out by the provincial government for strata corporations, which are typically multi-unit complexes. Strata compliance ensures these buildings have been designed according to standards of safety and security, with consideration given to fire prevention, health hazards like mould or asbestos exposure, and accessibility for people with disabilities.

It’s important for all residents of a building who want to live there long-term (including those who purchase their units) know about these requirements before they sign on the dotted line!

Some of the legislation affecting owners corporations in Victoria are the Owners Corporations Act 2006, Subdivision Act 1988, Owners Corporations Regulations 2007, Subdivision (Permit and Certification Fees) Regulations 2000, Subdivision (Procedures) Regulations 2000, and Subdivision (Registrar’s Fees) Regulations 2004.

There’s no denying that managing your strata can be time consuming – but luckily we are the professionals who specialise in this!   McKie Property Management can handle all of these requirements for you.